Francken, Anna 1a 2a
Birth Name | Francken, Anna 1a |
Gender | female |
Age at Death | 26 years, 1 month, 8 days |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1773-06-09 | Rutten, Tongeren, Limburg, Vlaams Gewest, België | 2a | |
Death | 1799-07-17 | Rutten, Tongeren, Limburg, Vlaams Gewest, België | 2a | |
Death | 1801-05-23 | Rutten, Tongeren, Limburg, Vlaams Gewest, België | 3a | |
Family of Grootaerts, Joannes and Francken, Anna |
Married | Husband | Grootaerts, Joannes ( * 1768-04-10 + 1830-07-13 ) | ||||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
Grotaers, Henri | 1798-09-29 | 1880-05-04 |
- Francken, Anna
Source References
Registers van de Burgerlijke Stand, Tongeren, Limburg, Belgium, 1798-1906
- Date: 1880-05-04
- Page: 1880-05-04 - Akte 92 - O - Hendrik Grotaers
Victor M.G. Grotaers - Patricia A. Grotaers: Grootaers - Family Group Record
- Date: 1980-01-01
- Page: Family Record 47
- Confidence: Low
Registers van de Burgerlijke Stand, Rutten, Limburg, Belgium, 1798-1906
- Date: 1813-02-06
- Page: 11 - HA - Jean Grotars - Marie Agnes Hendrix - 1813-02-06
l'an mil huit cents et treize le sixieme jour du mois
de fevrier, pandevant nous maize officier de l'etat civil
de la commune de Russon, canton de Tongres, departement
de la meuse infereure, sont comparas Jean Grotars
age de quarante cinq ans ne a Russon le dixieme jour
du mois d'avril de l'an mille sept cent soisantehuit
journalier dimicilie a Russon veuve d'Anne Francken decesde
a Russon le vingt trois du mois de mai de l'en mil huite
cent et un et majeur fils d' Henri Grotaers
decede a Russon le premier javvier de l'an mil sept cents
quatrevingt quatorze, et de dame Marie Agnes Hermans
eussi decede a Russon le vingtcinqieme jour du mois de december---
de decembre de l'an mille sept cent quatre vingt et
treize, et de moiselle Anne Agnes Hendrix agie de
vingt neuf et cinq mois nee a Russon le vingt neuvieme
jour du mois de septembre de l'an mil sept cents quatre
vingt et trois couturiere domicilie a Russon, fille ...
nee de Joseph Hendrix decede a Russon le onze mai de
l'an mil huit cent et onze ---------
et de dame Catharine Franssen aussi decede a Russon le
vingtneuvieme jour du mois de mai de l'an mil sept
cent quatrevingt et quinze. ... il conste par les a
de deces dous lecture a ete faise forte registre de
l'etat civil, lesquels nous ont reqais de procedera le
celebrahon de mariage projete entrete eux, et doat les
publications ont ete faites a la porte de la mairie
la prumiere le dimanche vingtquatrieme jour da mois
de janvilr de l'an milhuits cent et treize a onze
heures du matin, et la seconde Ke dimanche trente
un de mime mois et a la mime heure, aucune oppisition
en dir mariage ne nous agent ete significe
faisant driot a leur requisihon apres aboir doua les
... de toutes les pieces eidessus menhionnces e du ...
... ... da titre du code Napoleon intitule du mariage
avons dunarde en futur epoux eta le future epouse
... venlent je prendre pour mari et pour femme:
chacnn... deux agent reponder separement et effimativement
declarous an nom de l'empereur, que Jean Grotars et
Anne Agnes Hendrix sons ... parte mariage. de
quarante deux ans cultivateur, d'ettoine mastens age de
quarante six ans tailleur, de Jacques van den Bergh age
de quarente huit ans partieulier tous domicilies ans
ad joint et maire domicilie a le waige cousin germain
ellie de l'epoux lecture l'... signe avec nous et l'...
archarge du no janvier a le juzieme ligne approuvee -
Source text:
the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen the sixth day of the month
of February, in front of us but civil registrar
of the commune of Russon, canton of Tongres, department
of the lower Meuse, are compared Jean Grotars
age of forty-five born in Russon on the tenth day
of the month of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight
day laborer domiciled at Russon widow of Anne Francken died
at Russon on the twenty third of May of the year one thousand and eight
hundred and one and major son of Henri Grotaers
died in Russon on the first January of the year one thousand seven hundred
ninety-four, and of Dame Marie Agnes Hermans
also died in Russon on the twenty-fifth day of the month of December---
of December of the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty
thirteen, and Miss Anne Agnes Hendrix acted as
twenty nine and five months born in Russon on the twenty ninth
day of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and four
twenty-three seamstress domiciled in Russon, daughter ...
born of Joseph Hendrix died in Russon on the eleventh of May
the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven ---------
and Lady Catharine Franssen also died in Russon on
twenty-ninth day of May in the year one thousand and seven
one hundred and eighty-five. ... he constes by the a
of death of the reading was made strong register of
civil status, which have requested us to proceed
wedding celebrahon planned between them, and doat them
publications were made at the door of the town hall
the early Sunday twenty-fourth day of the month
from January of the year eighteen hundred and thirteen to eleven
o'clock in the morning, and the second Ke Sunday thirty
one of the same month and at the same time, no opposition
in dir marriage do we agent been signified
disrespecting their requisition after barking the customs
... of all the above mentioned parts and of the ...
... ... da title of the Napoleon code marriage title
we dunarde as a future husband and a future wife
... shall I take for husband and wife:
each... two agents answer separately and effimatively
declared in the name of the Emperor, that Jean Grotars and
Anne Agnes Hendrix sons ... parte marriage. of
forty-two years old farmer, of ettoine mastens age of
forty six years old tailor, by Jacques van den Bergh age
forty-eight years individual all domiciled years
ad joint and mayor residing in the waige first cousin
husband ellie reading the... sign with us and the...
archarge from January No. to the twelfth line approved